Zeyad Anany
Zeyad brings a unique combination of technical expertise and regulatory knowledge. He holds a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Assiut University (2006) and has extensive experience in Regulatory Affairs, Quality, Pharmacovigilance, and Stability studies, both in Egypt and the Gulf region.
About Zeyad Anany
Meet Zeyad, our highly skilled pharmaceutical regulatory expert, renowned for his exceptional technical proficiency and comprehensive compliance knowledge. With a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Assiut University, Zeyad possesses a wealth of expertise in Regulatory Affairs, Quality, Pharmacovigilance, and Stability Studies. His extensive experience across Egypt and the Gulf region empowers him to adeptly navigate complex regulatory landscapes, ensuring the highest standards of compliance, product quality, and patient safety. Zeyad is deeply committed to driving innovation, streamlining processes, and contributing to the advancement of healthcare.